Using Templates
In CMOkit you can modify core and add page level templates. Core templates come out of the box and they are responsible for rendering core pieces of your website.
Core Templates
Here are the list of core templates:
index.html (Home Page)
404.html (Page not found - 404)
blog.html (Posts page)
footer.html (Site footer)
post.html (single post)
single.html (single page)
login.html (login page)
signup.html (signup page)
Page Templates
When creating templates to be used in a page, you'll need to use the Page Template from the dropdown under Settings > Customize > Add Template. Be sure to add a user-friendly title describing the template. That's what users will see in the page settings when choosing a template. Page templates must start with "template-". for example to create a home page template, you would name it "template-home.html"
By default, your website has a style.css where all you custom CSS will go. you can add additional css files by choosing the Stylesheet type.
Any custom javascript should go into the scripts.js. You can add addiotanl libraries using these templates files. Just make sure you include them in the footer.html